In accordance with approved accounting standards, we attend to the preparation of financial statements for individuals, partnerships, companies and all forms of international corporations.
We audit financial accounts in accordance with the best modern practice in line with relevant auditing standards to ensure that the information is accurate, shows a true and fair view and is in accordance with current legislation.
We advise businesses on the most appropriate method of obtaining finance and assist in submitting applications to Banks and other Financial Institutions. We also collaborate in the presentation of budgets, cash-flow and profit forecasts.
We provide a full range of taxation services to ensure compliance with relevant laws and service
The Firm was founded in 1966 by Chief A. A. Egunjobi who
Practiced under the name of A. A. Egunjobi & Co., Chartered
Accountants. The name was changed to Egunjobi, Sulaiman
& Co. in 1969 and the firm was later reconstituted into Egunjobi, Adegbite, Ogunniyi & Co. in 1985. Upon the withdrawal of Mr. R. O. Ogunniyi from the Partnership, the firm took up the name Egunjobi, Adegbite & Co. (Chartered Accountants) with effect from 1st July, 1993 having registered the name under the relevant Nigeria law on 22nd October, 1992 with corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria (CAC) with registration number BN. LIS. 005679
Why choose Us
THE FIRM has a history of providing excellent service with integrity and has been around for over half a century
WE HAVE FOUR PARTNERS, and a staff strength of over 40. Most of our partners have trained with the firm and it is anticipated that future partners will be selected from qualified and experienced members of staff, thus preserving our style and character.
WE BELIEVE that our primary responsibility is to appreciate and serve the constantly changing need of our clients and to offer them a personal and responsive service.
APPROPIATE TO THE SIZE, responsibility and nature of the services required, clients are served by one or more partners and clients always have direct personal access to the partner(s) who deal with and have detailed knowledge of their affairs.
THE FEES WE CHARGE are based on the time necessarily incurred on the assignment, coupled with the degree of seniority of the personnel involved. We strive to ensure that our fees are fair and competitive and that our work is carried out as cost effectively as possible.
With a view to maintaining the strength and the basic structure of the firm from which our future partners are selected, we invest heavily in the careers of our staff and operate extensive in-house and external training schemes.
We have excellent complement of qualified and competent staff adequately supported by graduate trainees of various grades for the whole range of services described in this brochure.
In order to be able to provide excellent professional service to our clients, we adopt a sound recruitment policy and are committed to an all round staff training and staff development viz:
Training for professional examinations through tuition and other courses.
Closely supervised on-the-job training
On-the-job training both internal and external
All these ensure that our staff are equipped with the skills necessary to provide the broad range of services set out in this brochure to our clients.
At the present time, the firm has four partners. Each has wide experience, extensive IT training and capable of undertaking any appropriate professional assignment in Nigeria.
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. Joined the firm in 1991 after graduating with B.Sc. Accounting from the University of Lagos. Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1992. He became a partner of the firm in 2001, he is currently the senior partner. He is a registered member of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria.
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in November, 1991 and joined the firm in 1993. He obtained BBA, Banking & Finance from North Texas University, Denton, USA and became partner in 2005. He is a registered member of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria
He had HND diploma in Business Administration and Management, joined the firm in 1998, qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2005. He became a partner in 2015.
He had HND diploma in Accounting, joined the firm in 1993, he qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2007 and became partner in 2015.
by the
Happy clients
Years of experience
by the Numbers
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PicturesYears of experience